The Kosmic H.Y.P.E. Podcast
Kosmic H.Y.P.E means Have Your Perspective Elevated
Rev. Carmen d. Player, a Revolutionary of Compassion and Love invites us to consider ourselves, each other and this experience called life from the metaphysical, from a place of Kosmic H.Y.P.E.
We are living in a time of great revelation and transition. We are bombarded in so many dire messages and situations. Many of us are experiencing deep fear, pain, isolation, and anxiety witnessing and being detrimentally impacted by the current reality. Hope seems so elusive.
The hope of oppressor is to break the soul, will, imagination, creativity, and hope of the oppressed. If they forget who they are and what they can do, there is nothing we can’t do to them.
Understand, “the oppressor” is insidious and can be heard in our very thoughts and beliefs.
We can continue seeing and experiencing ourselves, each other and the world in the same way, resulting in the same reality. We can nurture and perpetuate our current reality with our actions. Or we can have our perspectives elevated to a frequency of LOVE, COMPASSION, INCLUSIVENESS AND EXPANSIVENESS and create an experience that is life affirming for all. We are being extended the offer to be active, intentional co-creators of a new reality.
This is an invitation to consider a different perspective as we collectively create a life-affirming, enriching, and sustainable reality for ourselves, each other and as stewards of the Earth.
The Kosmic H.Y.P.E. Podcast
Music, Imagination and Revolution: H.Y.P.E. Conversation with KIL
"An artist's duty, as far as I'm concerned, is to reflect the times. I think that is true of painters, sculptors, poets, musicians. As far as I'm concerned, it's their choice, but I CHOOSE to reflect the times and situations in which I find myself. That, to me, is my duty. And at this crucial time in our lives, when everything is so desperate, when everyday is a matter of survival, I don't think you can help but be involved. Young people, black and white, know this. That's why they're so involved in politics. We will shape and mold this country or it will not be molded and shaped at all anymore. So I don't think you have a choice. How can you be an artist and NOT reflect the times? That to me is the definition of an artist." Nina Simone
I kick it with my dear friend Rahaman “Kil” Kilpatrick to discuss the role of music and the shift of human consciousness. Here is a little bit about Kil:
In 1984, when Rahaman “Kil” Kilpatrick was 10 years old, he saw Run DMC performing “Rock Box” on American Bandstand & he knew he wanted to be part of the hip hop culture. While other kids were asking their parents for toys for Christmas, Kil begged his parents to buy him two turntables so he could be a DJ.
In 1992 Kil began attending Morgan State University & saw an article in Vibe magazine that Bobbito wrote highlighting the dopest hip hop radio shows. When he saw Morgan’s show Strictly Hip Hop 88.9 was namedhe knew he had to become part of that show! For the next 7 years from 1994-2001 Kil hosted Strictly Hip Hop which is currently the longest running hip hop radio show on the east coast.
After graduating from Morgan State, Kil dedicated his life to helping teens in Washington DC by running numerous teen centers throughout the city. He’s gone on to become a music producer who has produced by groups such as MOP, Maffew Ragazino, RJ Payne and Pete Rock’s 1startist signed his record label Amxxr. He also hosts by a weekly hip hop podcast Apt. 5B.
Please take what serves you, leave what doesn't. Do so with the same Compassion and Love it was given.
You can follow Carmen on all social media platforms @revcarmendplayer